Fighting Fakes With eBay | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 6 June 2009

Fighting Fakes With eBay

eBay UK has launched an anti-counterfeit campaign in a bid to remove counterfeit products from being bought by unsuspecting consumers on eBay. This move comes hot on the heels of the court ruling which ruled in favour of eBay in the recent trademark infringement case by L'Oreal.

In line with this campaign, eBay has invited even more trademark and brand owners to participate in eBay's Verified to help identify counterfeit products that are listed on eBay before reaching the hands of consumers because only they have the expertise to clearly identify counterfeit from genuine products.

Hopefully, this programme works well so that counterfeit products are stamped out and those of us who love scouting for discount brand name merchandise would be able to do so with a free heart knowing that any item that we pick up would be genuine. No doubt about it.


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