Life As A Single Person | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 6 June 2009

Life As A Single Person

Ever so often, my friend, Paul, would wonder aloud why I need to earn all the money. He THINKS that I am earning a lot and he THINKS that I don't need as much money as the next person just because I am single.

Well, the thing is, as the breadwinner of the family, supporting two elderly parents who have no income, one can never have enough of money, right? Also, the mounting costs of living and medical expenses make me feel as if no matter how much I earn, it is never enough.

I can't help but wonder what happens to my parents if I leave this world before them. My friend told me that term life insurance should be my back up plan should anything untoward happen to me. At least my parents would be provided for.

I know that I should start looking for term life insurance already but am afraid to take on yet another financial commitment. I know though, that this is something that I cannot avoid and the earlier I buy term life insurance, the better it is for my peace of mind.

The next time Paul wonders why I am so frugal even though I earn more than enough for myself, I am going to tell him that I am securing my parents’ lifestyle. Yes, I hope that their comfortable life remains the same even if I am no longer around to support them.


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