Ground Work | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 11 June 2009

Ground Work

If you have been reading my personal blog, you would know that I have not been doing any work for the past three weeks. An associate does not know why I am unable to put in time for work despite knowing that I am very busy taking care of my invalid dog.

Those who are not in online sales think that selling online is very easy work. It is not difficult but it definitely requires a lot of time. There is a lot of ground work to be covered before the items are available online to be viewed and sold. If they are not listed online, they have no chance to be sold and then there would be no sales, no business, no profit.

Even though now the stocks have reached me, which means that the first part of the ground work called sourcing, is completed, I would still need to take photos, edit the photos, upload them to my store, write the description, price the items and market them. The third part of the business involves fielding enquires, taking orders, shipping and delivery.

See, with my entire day (and night) taken up by my sick pet, I really cannot spare time for my business. I guess it has to wait, much to my chagrin!


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