My Lucky Charm | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 13 June 2009

My Lucky Charm

While I may claim not to like to accessorize myself like a Christmas tree, a friend wondered why I wear a necklace around my neck. It was actually a gift from my mother while the garnet gem stone that hangs from it was a gift from my father. You can say that even though this is just a simple necklace, nothing elaborate at all, and the gemstone is tiny, they mean a lot to me and I have been wearing them daily ever since.

I like to think of this as my lucky charm though frankly, I have not felt myself any luckier than before. But I am superstitious and there was once when my chain and gemstone fell into the toilet bowl and I just had to fish them out. I was afraid that I would be faced with a deluge of bad luck. Of course, I also didn't relish the thought of explaining to my mother how I lost her expensive white gold chain!

I was very happy to get my hands on my lucky charm again, dirty as it was. I may be able to buy something similar to replace it but it would never be the same. My parents may not notice anything different but I can't bluff myself.


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