Planning Life | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Planning Life

A friend used to tell me that he wants to plan for his old age because as a single man, he didn't want to impose on his siblings who all have family of their own later on in life. Little did he know that he would die of cancer even before he was forty. Luckily, he also did buy life insurance earlier so his mother was not too financially broke, despite having spent most of her savings trying to cure her son.

Life is really funny. No matter how we plan it, we do not know what God has in store for us. In its natural order, children are supposed to take care of their parents when they are old but there are many cases when the children would pass on, leaving the elderly parents to fend for themselves.

I have been meaning to obtain term life insurance quotes but there would be something that crops up that makes me forget that I should get my life insurance as soon as possible. I know I have to be more responsible to wards my parents. I wouldn't want them to be left in a lurch should something happen to me meanwhile!

I may not be able to run around but I definitely could request for term life insurance quotes online!


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