Warren Buffett Lunch Closed At US$1.68 million | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Warren Buffett Lunch Closed At US$1.68 million

I have wondered at this time, how much people would pay in order to have lunch with warren Buffett. Of course this isn't merely lunch. It is also for a charitable cause and the money raised will go towards Glide Foundation, like it has been all these years.

Well, the auction for a steak lunch with Warren Buffett where the winner can bring along seven other people, has closed on eBay recently at a price of US$1.68 million. It is not immediately known who the winner is but we will soon know his or her identity.

The winner of a similar auction last year, Chinese investor, Zhao Danyang, who paid US$2,110,100 just claimed his prize this past Wednesday, after almost a year of winning the auction! I guess it's not easy to arrange for lunch with the second richest man in the world even if you already paid for it!


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