Threatened By Negative Feedback | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 4 June 2009

Threatened By Negative Feedback

A friend, who also trades on eBay, told me that she encountered a nasty buyer recently. This buyer won an auction but did not pay for the item. My friend filed an Unpaid Item Dispute which was responded to but the buyer said that she has decided not to buy the item, and threatened to leave my friend with a negative feedback if she does not cancel the item.

After being in operation for so many years, I still find that eBay is unable to protect sellers. At least, what they are doing now isn't enough. What happens if a negative feedback is left? My friend would have her DSR lowered which would then affect her reputation and the benefits and discounts that are offered to sellers with near perfect DSR.

My friend feels that no matter the outcome of this dispute, she is on the losing end and through no fault of her own. Can you imagine how disheartening it is to let a negative episode like this mar our trading experience when we strive to be honest sellers doing our best to trade online?


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