Winter Wear | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Winter Wear

My sister tells me that even after eight long years living in the United States, she is still not used to the weather. Summer may be here soon but she is still not prepared to keep away her coats and sweaters. Her friends would laugh at her dressing because she would wear long sleeves in summer as if it was winter.

I remember even in tropical Malaysia, my sister would always have a coat ready especially when she knows that she would be 'trapped' in an air-conditioned room for long hours. I am not sure if this is a medical condition. She probably just needs more fat!

One advantage my sister has despite having to suffer from the cold weather even if it isn't that cold to other people, is that she always gets to buy her winter clothing at steep discounts. You know how retailers try to offload off season clothes? That's when my sister picks them up and at bargain prices too!

Luckily, winter clothes are no longer drab and dowdy. Just take a look at today's winter wear featured on StyleHive. They are so stylish, you’d wish it was winter everyday so that you would have the chance to show off these beautiful clothes!


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