Britney Spears Aussie Tour Tickets Selling Dirt Cheap Online | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 16 November 2009

Britney Spears Aussie Tour Tickets Selling Dirt Cheap Online

If you are a fan of Britney Spears and I mean, really, really huge fan of hers, and do not mind that she mimes and cannot dance, this is an opportunity to watch her live in concert at a dirt cheap price.

Of course, you will have to be in Australia as well. After all, it is fans of Britney Spears in Australia who are practically giving away Britney Spear's Circus concert tickets after discovering that she mimes and cannot dance and generally gave a lacklustre performance on opening night.

Well, I am no fan of the pop princess but frankly, if I were, I wouldn’t mind one bit that she lip synced and has two left foot. And since these concert tickets are being sold at as low as 55p way below face value of up to GBP90, this would be a golden opportunity for a true fan to watch her live. Don’t you agree?


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