Urine Free Wetsuit Sells For £8900 On eBay For Japan | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Urine Free Wetsuit Sells For £8900 On eBay For Japan

Whilst many people complain about eBay and its policies, to me, it is still the best way to sell something simply because of the eyeballs. And there are, once in a while, something that catches the eye and goes viral.

Earlier this week, a seller posted a used wetsuit which he claims to be free from urine, which he was offloading to get some beer money for his impending holiday. The description was so funny that it went viral on social networks and it even caught the attention of the brand of the wetsuit.

The company kindly threw in a new wetsuit to the winner of the auction when the seller, surprised by the attention it received, decided to turn the auction into something more positive. He pledged to donate 90% of the proceeds to Red Cross to help with efforts in Japan.

Other companies began throwing in freebies, it's no doubt a great way to publicise a brand, and all in all, the auction closed at £8,999. Unfortunately, the winner was just a joybidder and so the auction was offered to the second highest bidder. Let's just hope he or she makes good.


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