Belated Father's Day | Ramblings of an e-trader

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Belated Father's Day

I celebrated Father's Day a few weeks late as I was busy with my work and could not get away. I know, it sounds awful. It IS awful! But I made it up with a sit-down dinner with the family and I gave my dad a box of his favorite Davidoff cigars

My dad does not smoke, nor drink. But he loves to collect these, so I try to indulge him, although I don't understand his weird hobby. I thought only those who love cigars would collect them but it's not the case with my dad.

Anyway, considering the late celebration, we still had a great time. It had been too long since we did something like this. We can't wait till the next Father's Day. Luckily my dad's birthday is just next month!


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