Cyber Monday Shopping | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday, 30 November 2012

Cyber Monday Shopping

Whoa, what a haul! Well, it wasn't me that was shopping online and grabbing Cyber Monday deals. It was my sister. Funny... she was a slow starter when it came to online shopping. At first, she did not trust online websites and refused to have a credit card, now, she is the one buying online almost weekly. AND she is the one tipping me off on deals and sales.

As for me, I check, almost daily, coupon sites, and try to catch a good deal, but sometimes, after thinking more than a couple of times if I really need the item, end up not buying it. Most of the time, these aren't necessities. Shopping for the sake of just wanting something and not really needing it could cause a hole in my pocket!


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