Brand Loyalty | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Brand Loyalty

My mother told me that some of the household products that we have been using for years have risen in price and she should look for alternatives. My mother is someone who is loyal to a single brand for each particular product and she loathes changing brands but with rising prices, she has to look for options.

I am not someone who is loyal to a single brand unless it is for skincare or personal care products that are suitable for me so I am not changing those even if their prices hit the roof but for other items like dish washing detergent or household cleaning products, I am totally not particular.

However, when it comes to electronic and electrical products, I already have in mind what brands I am going to choose. I am not going to so easily be sold to a new brand on the market because I don't like taking the risk of buying a brand name that's unproven. I guess when it comes to brand loyalty, I am selective!


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