Pressurized Walls | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 24 July 2009

Pressurized Walls

My friend, Paul, told me that if his home in New York is in the city, he would have closed his office and worked from home, like me. Running a home office isn't something uncommon and as an architect, it would not be too difficult for him to set up an office at home.

Paul said that office rental is getting to be a burden now that business has slowed. It was not a problem before and in fact, he never felt the need to share his office but things have changed now and since he cannot close his office and work from home since his home is quite a distance away, he may just have to share.

I just came across this company, City Wall NY, which specializes in Pressurized Walls which would be just the thing for Paul should he decide to share his office. He would need to partition it pressurized walls would just be the solution.

Browsing through the website of City Wall NY, I am very impressed that these pressurized walls, though are just temporary walls, look exactly like a part of the building structure, like the walls have always been built like that, and not like wall partitions that they actually are. Nobody would even realize the difference!


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