Michael Jackson Autographed Painting To Be Auctioned On eBay | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Michael Jackson Autographed Painting To Be Auctioned On eBay

I just read this from Indopia that a painting by Leon Jones of Michael Jackson and autographed in silver paint pen on February 9, 2002 by both Michael Jackson and his long time friend, actress Elizabeth Taylor, will be put on auction on eBay on July 17th, 2009.

It is not stated why Leon Jones managed to paint Michael Jackson or how and this isn't the only painting of Michael Jackson he has. It is not stated if this painting was painted from Leon Jones' imagination or if Michael Jackson posed for it but the fact that he autographed it means that he knew about it and endorsed it.

This would surely be a great addiction to a Michael Jackson collection for any of his fans. It is not known how much the starting bid would be but part of the proceeds will be donated to a children's charity. I am sure Michael Jackson would be delighted to know about it.

Source: Indopia


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