Vision For The Company | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Vision For The Company

I am often asked where I would like to see my small company in ten years' time. Well, obviously I would like to carry my own label. Because of time constraints, I cannot expand my idea right now. I believe I already have the capital and if what I have is insufficient, I could pool investments from a few friends who may be interested to be sleeping partners. That's the level of participation I am interested in. Not more than that.

I know that starting my own label would be a lot of work. Besides pushing the brand name to the public, which I could get help from a Branding Company I would need to rush the stocks out as fast as possible to avoid high holding cost.

Even if I may not have the time to get this project off the ground, I have already identified several companies that would be able to help implement it; from the manufacturer to the marketing company. Of course, with my limited budget, if I do not plan to seek investments from third parties, I am going to start on a small scale but that would still be a dream come true!

In any case, it is good to dream. It’s free after all! Time would tell if I could turn this dream into reality!


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