The Original Hamburger Bed | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Original Hamburger Bed

I was searching for bedroom redecoration ideas when I stumbled upon this Hamburger bed. Gosh, this is just the kind of bed I like, I tell you. I harbour dreams of owning a house that is like a doll house with novelty items. Conventional items are just not my style. I love oddities and this kind of bed would just suit me the most!

At this point, the hamburger bed has attracted over forty bids and rose from a starting bid price of 99cents to its current US$570. I have to say that it's pretty costly for an original famous Hamburger bed!

Now, if I were to buy it, I really have no idea how much I am willing to pay for it. I may like novelties but I certainly like them cheap. Besides, think about the logistics of shipping it over to me. LOL

Source: IGN
eBay listing: HERE


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