eBay Gallery Picture Issue | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 21 August 2009

eBay Gallery Picture Issue

I just received a couple of notices from eBay regarding an issue with my gallery pictures. Apparently, the system was not able to call up my old images and I would have to reupload them. Now, before anyone again tells me that these are phishing mail, let me just say that I did not click on any link in these email notices but logged in directly to my eBay account to check and try to fix things.

Too bad that I couldn't upload the photos yet because I lost them after my hard disk was damaged so I will have to bring out the items again to shoot a new set of photos and I will only do it tomorrow.

You know, as an online seller, we should always shoot new photos for our items if they do not sell after a while so as to keep our listings fresh and try to attract new browsers. If we have time, we should also reword our description but you know, I have been preoccupied with other work for the past couple of years neglecting my online business.


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