SEO In Online Sales | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 24 August 2009

SEO In Online Sales

My blogger friends would be familiar with Search Engine Optimization or SEO in short. Optimizing keywords in your blog could drive more search traffic to it but did you know that SEO is also useful when it comes to online sales?

Whether you are selling on eBay or run your own online store, optimizing keywords, especially brand name (at the same time gaining brand recognition) is most important and could be done via categories, sub-categories, titles and description.

For your categories and sub-categories, it would be best to have a standard format, or layout, and have it appear on the left sidebar of your store as that is the spot that search engines could easily read first.

Imagine if you have this list of categories and sub-categories on every page of your store, you have already multiple the number of "different" pages that would be spider by search engines which means that you would have generated more search engine results and ultimately more traffic and eyeballs.


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