Skin Care & Personal Hygiene Products | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Skin Care & Personal Hygiene Products

The other day, I wrote about brand loyalty and how I do not mind changing brands for certain products, especially for household cleaning products with more reasonable prices. Usually, I would buy whatever brand name products on sale. I totally do not have brand loyalty there.

My friend asked me if there's anything that could make me stick to a brand name, I have to say that after some thought, it has got to be skin care and personal hygiene products. Don't get me wrong. These do not have to be absolutely the best, most popular or even the most expensive in the market today. What I am after is the suitability of these products. And because of that, these are the only products that I am willing to pay through my nose! These companies know this, don’t they?

You know, as someone who suffered from acne for years, it took me a long time to find the skin care product that did not cause me to break out in zits after a couple of weeks of use. You can bet that now that I have found one that suits me just right, I am not going to change to another brand anytime soon! That's brand loyalty for me.


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