Maybank Unauthorised Access Discovered | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Maybank Unauthorised Access Discovered

I have been receiving quite a number of email, dropping into my Spam folder, thankfully, with the subject header per the title of this post. I know that these are phishing attempts and would like to bring attention to you reading this not to click on any links that are in the email.

Obviously, when these hit my email box, even though only the Spam folder, I didn’t even bothered to open them but trashed them straightaway. I did, however, log in to my Maybank2u account just to check if everything was in order.

If you also received email like these and have a minute or two, you should also report such emails to Maybank from the link that is available on the website of Maybank2u, at the log in page. This would allow them to investigate and if necessary, issue an alert on their website so that Maybanjk2u customers can read about it and take precautions.


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