Seeking A New Direction | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 27 May 2010

Seeking A New Direction

I am trying to look for a part time job right now to create a secondary income on top of my home-based business. I had thought of getting a full time job and in fact, found one, but then that would mean that I would have no time to take care of my business at all. Looking for a job, even though it is just part time, is not easy at all, when I lack paper qualification. I may run a business, small as it is, but I still do not have paper qualification to show my abilities.

My friends told me to go for courses but I don't think that at my age, I would adapt well to campus life. Getting an online degree is a very good option but I fear that I would be so distracted online that I would not be able to concentrate on studies. My work, after all, is all done online too.

And then I have a friend who is encouraging me to expand my business. He said that I am so unemployable that it would be wasting my time to take up studies again and try to fight for a job with people who are more than ten years younger.

Frankly, I feel so lost. I know I need to do something because I always seem like I have too much time on my hands. I am feeling so restless. I need to find a new direction.


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