PayPal Notification: Payments and Statements | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 27 June 2008

PayPal Notification: Payments and Statements

Today, I received an email from "PayPal" which fell into my Spam folder. Of course I opened it to read but one look I knew that it was a phishing mail. First of all, the email did not address me by name. My email address was also hidden meaning that it was a mass email. And it fell into my Spam folder too.

The email was a notification that said that my credit card has been deducted US$30 for balance owed to PayPal. Well, seriously I do not owe PayPal any money.

However, new PayPal members will surely panic and in that event, click on the two links provided in the email to check their PayPal statement. Of course the links look normal enough until one hovers the cursor over it!

Really, one has to be extra vigilant even doing something as simple as reading an email!


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