Lost Something? Check eBay | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 24 October 2008

Lost Something? Check eBay

A man in Suffolk (UK) had his bicycle stolen and was shocked to find it on eBay. Jan Hill, of Market Hill, Sudbury, thought that he would never see his £600 mountain bike again after it was stolen from outside a shopping centre where the thief cut his security lock, but decided to keep checking eBay for the odd chance of finding it online.

Find it on eBay, he did. He asked a relative to place a high bid on the bike while he got in touch with the police to help him in claiming back his bike. The news report did not mention the kind of punishment on the Seller, though, or if the Seller was the thief.

This story reminds me of a case where a friend lost his pair of shoes from his house. That morning, he decided to buy a pair of used shoes at the "junk market" and saw his own pair there! It's funny, but unlike Jan Hill, my friend had to buy back his own pair of shoes!


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