Fine Art Handling | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Fine Art Handling

My friend, Colin, has moved to England. One of the things he told me before he left was that he hopes his art collection is in good hands. Colin is a budding artist who is now trying to make a name for himself in a new country. You know that artist would usually be famous when they die and their art would only be able to command a price then? I hope this wouldn't happen to Colin. I think he's very talented and I have faith in him!

When Colin said that, I felt that he has doubts about the company that he has entrusted his art collection. I think he could avoid that worry if has engaged a company that specializes in art storage. I am sure they would be able to store his pieces of art well! If they could service private collectors of fine art, they could service Colin too, right?

Imagine Mind's Eye is a company that specializes in fine art storage, vaulting and transporting. Fine art collectors who sometimes share their fine art collections with art lovers in museums and exhibitions around the world engage companies like Imagine Mind's Eye which has an excellent background and track record in handling priceless art pieces.


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