Ghostbusters Ambulance On eBay | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Ghostbusters Ambulance On eBay

This is one car I want to buy. LOL This 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor ambulance was on eBay with an opening price of $45,000 and ended but its reserve was not met. I wonder if there is a great Ghostbusters fan who would want this. It's so cute and iconic.

I think that even though this may not be a good investment, may not go up in price in the future for the new owner, if you are a Ghostbusters fan, you would want to have it. Heck, I'm not even a great fan though I did enjoy the movie AND I WANT IT!

Anyway, it would be interesting to see who buys this later and for how much though an attempt to sell this on eBay has not been successful this time around.

Source: Laughing Squid
eBay auction: HERE


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