PayPal Annual Privacy Policy Notice | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 8 August 2009

PayPal Annual Privacy Policy Notice

I received a notice from PayPal last night regarding their privacy policy. If you haven't logged in to your PayPal account and go through your account information particular what information you allow PayPal to share with third parties for marketing purposes, it is a good time to do so now.

You can restrict PayPal from sharing your personal information by going to My Account and then click Profile. You would be able to make changes from there.

In addition, you should check your notification preferences. I opted to receive notices and alerts from PayPal in case there are any policy changes or amendments to their Terms of Service. PayPal is my primary online payment processor so I definitely must be on the ball.


Anonymous said...

This is a scam idiots!

Anonymous said...

It is indeed a scam. See here:

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